

Friday, 21 June 2013


An art of Selecting and Cutting Water Melon

Melons are a mystery , as it is difficult to know how ripe the interior is, by inspecting the outside. Look for a firm, symmetrical watermelon free from bruises, cuts or dents. Lift it up. The watermelon should be heavy for its size. Watermelon is 92% water . Turn it over. The underside of the watermelon should have a creamy yellow spot showing where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun. The weight of the Water Melon which I have bought is around 4.5 kg. Never be in a hurry to pick up the fruit , when there is a crowd.    

First step is to select a good water melon , as lot of efforts are spent on cutting.
Always use a good quality stainless steel knives for cutting . Keep your hand study & firm while cutting .
Cut uniform slices around 20 mm / ¾ Inches . This is a test for your skill.  Be patient and take your time.
Organise each slice over a dining plate and make 6 sectors scrolling with the knife.
Remove each slice and de-seed using tooth picks or the single toothed stainless steel knife and place it back in the same place.

The ends are small and so cut thinner slices . Use some of the cookie cutters and make a few shapes without wasting much.
Cut out the small left out pieces with the toothed knife and de-seed  the cut pieces , using tooth picks. Again Key is patience.
Make cuts as you feel into small pieces and retaining the outer shape. Do not remove any of the pieces . 
The moment to relax and enjoy your product. Do not tell anything to the guests. Let them speak out. 
Rangarajan Ramaswamy
Inspiration from Krutika

Rangarajan Ramaswamy Bangalore 21.06.2013


  1. Thank you sooooo much Peripa :) That's so very sweet of you :D :D
    Going to cut and gorge on my favorite fruit now :)

    Best Regards

  2. Dear Krutika

    Well. Please follow the instructions when doing for the first time. Do not be in a hurry. Take the help of your father in cutting the main Water Melon and the rest you can do it yourself. I have added "Water Melon Balls" from Water Melon Scooper . Slowly add gadgets to your inventory and you can do an excellent presentation with these gadgets. Do not buy the gadgets at a time. Slowly build them. The fruit processing will give you lot of relief from work stresses and at the same time you can enjoy a good company with your parents / friends . Best wishes Ranga Peripa 22.06.2013 11:15 am
